Polarography에 의한 反應速度側定과 簡易速度式에 대한 硏究

Measurement of the Electrode Reduction Velocities and Studies on the Simplified Measurements of the Reaction Constant used D.M.E.

  • 황정의 (慶北大學校 文理科大學 化學科) ;
  • 김재항 (慶北大學校 文理科大學 化學科)
  • 발행 : 19661200


Polarography에 의한 反應速度測定法 은 여러가지가 있고 또 많이 硏究되어 왔다. 그러나 그의 應用은 그렇게 많지 않으며, 본 실本 實驗에서는 Delabay의 圖解法과 Koutecky式을 利用하여 몇 가지 ion의 陰極反應速度를 求하고 이들 Data를 써서 簡易速度式을 檢討하였다.

The electrode reduction velocity constants of Calcium, Nickel and Manganese (Zinc) ions in various supporting electrolyte solutions and temperatures were measured by polarography. The rate constants of those ions calculated by Delahay's graphimetric method and Koutecky's method were matched in 50% of experimental error. This error would be accountable because of the application of thier approximate method. But there are magnificent differences between those values and Randles and Sentioomerton's. We, also, have attempted to deduce the simplified relation between velocity constant and electrocappilary characteristics, computing the velocity constant simply and rapidly, on which Kambara, lshii and Imai, Adachi had studied and established thier related equations using parameter x, y and z, for some limited range of x. And we have extended the equation to the wider range of y value than they did for the above mentioned ions.



  1. J. A. C. S. v.73 P. Delahay
  2. Collection Czecholov Chem. Commun. v.12 J. Koutecky;R. Bredicka
  3. Trans. Faraday Soc. v.43 J. E. B. Randles;K. W. Sornerton
  4. 日化 v.86 今井弘;足立敎夫
  5. ポラログラフィ一 v.9 To Kambara;T. Ishii
  6. 電氣化學 v.27 千田貢等
  7. New Intrumental Methods in Electrochem P. Delahay
  8. ポラログラフィ一 館勇
  9. Physical Method of Organic Chem. Weissberger
  10. Instrumental Analysis P. Delahay
  11. Polarography I. M. Kolthoff;J. J. Lingane