치잠에 대한 왕유첨식이 실용형질에 미치는영향(I)

Studies on the effect of feeding on royal jelly on the practical characteristics of silkworms at early stage

  • 발행 : 1966.12.01


Royal jelly(왕유)를 누에의 전령을 통하여 첨식시켰을 경우 그 효과가 현저하다 함은 기히 보고되어 있으나, 본 시험에서도 치잠기인 상엽이 적게 들고, 첨작업량이 적은 1~2령기에만 이를 첨식시켜 봄으로서 사육면에서의 본 Royal jelly의 실용성여부를 알고져 1965년 춘잠에 설악$\times$소양을 공시품종으로 하고 Royall jelly 2.5%, 5%, 10% 수용액을 만들어 1~2 령에 첨식시킨 결과 생존율, 성장속도, 잠체중, 전견중, 견층중, 견층비율 및 산란수 등에 있어서 기 효과가 나타나지 않았다.

It has been reported that the effect of royal jelly on silkworms can be markedly resulted from feeding on royal jelly throughout all the instars. In 1965, I began the experiment in order to know whether it has a practical for rearing, only through feeding silkworms at 1st to 2nd instar, when a comparative little amount of mulberry leaves and labor is needed for rearing. In the method of my experiment, mulberry leaves with different concentration of royal jelly added, 2.5%, 5%, and 10%. respectively, are feeded on silkworms of Sulack ${\times}$ Soyang at 1st and 2nd instar in spring in 1965. However, in the result of the experiment there is not any effect on the survival. the growth speed, the body weight, of the larvae, and the weight of cocoon layer, the cocoon layer ratio, and number of silkworm eggs laid.
