한국해역의 식물플랑크톤의 연구 1. 1965년 하계의 한국해협 표층수의 식물 플랑크톤의 양과 분포

Phytoplankton Studies In Korean Waters 1. Phytoplankton Survey Of The Surface In The Korea Strait In Summer Of 1965

  • 최상 (원자력연구소 생물연구실)
  • 발행 : 1966.03.01


우리 나라의 서, 남, 동해 즉 황해, 한국해협 및 일본해는 각자가 특이한 해양학적 구조를 지니고 있다. 서해는 전반적으로 80m이천의 천해를 구성하여 대륙계 하천수를 풍부하게 공급을 받아, 계절풍이 심한 추, 동계에는 특이 부니질의 발달이 현저하고, 이곳의 해양수는 대륙의 기후의 영향을 많이 받고 있는 것이 특징이다. 한편 일부의 황해수는 황해나뭅, 동지나해에서 이류에 의해 흑조와 혼합되어 대마난류를 형성하여 한국해협을 거쳐 일본해로 유입한다.

A phytoplankton study in the Korean waters has been commenced from 1964 as parts of the primary production studies in the Korean waters and the cruise for the cooperative studies of the Kuroshio from 1965 to 1968. Samples are taken by dipping 300-500 ml of sea water from the surface, and then fixed by adding neutralized formalin. The phytoplankton identification and cell counts are made on samples carefully after concentrated by decanting and centrifuging in the laboratory. This report deals with the surface phytoplankton obtained during the period of August 14-27, 1965 at twenty-three stations in the Korea Strait. Fifty nine species in seventeen genera of diatoms are detected from the samples collected at the stations. Among them seven species in five genera are considered to be purely neritic or cold water species and eight species in four genera are oceanic species of the Kuroshio. The highest phytoplankton standing crops are found in the sea area neighboring coastal waters of southern Korea, and the species distribution show anomalies in normally oceanic species being confined to neritic waters. There are distinct genera compositions of eastern, western and intermediate sea areas in the Kore Strait.
