Study on the silkworm treated with X-rays

방사선조사잠아의 형질에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1965.02.01


The silkworm eggs and silkworm larvae were treated with X-Rays, and then the mutations were induced artificially. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The best range of time was from 1 to 1.5 seconds to induce the mutations. 2. The silkworm-eggs treated with X-rays were almost malformes, unmoulting or radiation sick. 3. Silkworm-eggs laid by the moth-fed on penicillin in 1963 were also treated with x-rays. Many useful ones were found from them. 4. There is the possibility of silkworm improvement by inducing mutations with x-rays. Further studies are therefore needed in this field.

X-선을 잠란 잠아에 조사시켜 인위적으로 돌연변이를 다수유발시켜 다음과 같은 결과를 알았다. 1. 인위적 돌연변이 유발의 적정조사시간은 1∼1.5초의 범위였다. 2. X-선조사잠아의 대부분은 기형 불탈피잠 방사선병잠이었다. 3. 1963년도에 페니실린을 첨식시킨 누에에서 파채종한 차대에 X선을 조사시켰더니 괄목할 정도로 그 성적이 양호하였으며 실용형질개체도 다수발견되었다. 4. X선조사로서 인위적돌연변이를 유발시켜 잠품종개량이 가능할 것이며 앞으로 깊이 연구할 가치가 있는 분야이다.
