Metal Cupferrate Complex 에 關한 硏究 (第 3 報) $H_2O$-Chloroform 系에서의 Hydrogen Cupferrate 의 分配係數에 關한 硏究

Study on Metal Cupferrate Complex (Part III) Study on Distribution Ratio of Hydrogen Cupferrate in $H_2O-CHCl_3$ System

  • Si-Joong Kim (Department of Chemistry, Korea University) ;
  • Doo-Soon Shin (Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 19631200


$H_2O$-chloroform系에서의 hydrogen cupferrate의 分配係數와 水溶液相의 pH, 이온强度 및 cupferron의 濃度와의 關係를 살폈는데, 分配係數는 pH(1.50∼3.00사이)와 이온强度(0.1∼2.0사이)에는 無關하지만 cupferron의 濃度가 커질수록 分配係數는 增加했으며, 熱力學的인 分配係數의 完全한 값으로 120.0이란 새로운 값을 얻었다. 한편 cupferron의 濃度가 커짐에 따라 分配係數가 增加하는 까닭은 chloroform相에 monomer로서의 HCup. 의 活動度의 감소로 간주하고, chloroform相에서의 HCup. 의 濃度와 chloroform相에서의 HCup. 의 活動度係數와의 關係를 表示하는 實驗式 $-logf_{CHCl3}=0.1285C_{CHCl3}+{7.775C^2}_{CHCl3}$를 얻었으며, 이 式은 HCup. 의 chloroform 溶液 0.1mole/l order 以下의 濃度에서 大端히 잘 맞는다.

The distribution ratio of hydrogen cupferrate in $H_2O-CHCl_3$ system was considered as a function of pH ($HClO_4$), ionic strength ($NaClO_4$), and cupferron concentration in perchloric acid media, respectively. The values were independent upon pH (1.50∼3.00 range) and ionic strength (0.1∼2.00 range), but they increased as increasing the cupferron concentration in the acidic media. At the infinite dilution, the thermodynamic distribution ratio between chloroform and aqueous phase was 120. 0. The activity coefficients of hydrogen cupferrate in chloroform solution were determined by the distribution ratio. This activity coefficient may be calculated by using the empirical equation, $-log\;f_{CHCl3}=0.1285C_{CHCl3}+{7.775C^2}_{CHCl3}$ which represents the experimental data quite well for the solution in 0.1 mole/l order of hydrogen cupferrate concentration.



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