Barium Titanate 및 Strontium Titanate 單結晶中의 不純物의 分光化學分析

Spectrochemical Determination of Impurities in Barium Titanate and Strontium Titanate Single Crystals

  • Jae-young Hwang (Laboratory for Insulation Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • 발행 : 19631200


$KF-BaTiO_3$系와 $TiO_2-BaTiO_3$系에서 각각 成長시킨 $BaTiO_3$의 單結晶中의 중요 不純物을 分光化學分析法으로 定量하여 比較 檢討하였다. 이 分析法은 $SrTiO_3$의 單結晶의 分光化學分析에도 適用된다.

A spectrochemical analysis was made to compare the major impurities in $BaTiO_3$ single crystals grown from $KF-BaTiO_3$ system and $TiO_2-BaTiO_3$ system respectively. The present technique was also extended, without any modifications, to the analysis of $SrTiO_3$ crystal.



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