뽕나무 순집이 혹파리에 관한 연구

Studies on Diplosis mori Yokopama (mulberry shoot Gall midge) on mulberry tree

  • 발행 : 1962.09.01


1. 경과습성 1) 수원지방에 있어서 뽕나무 순집이혹파리(Diplosis mori Yokoyama)는 5세대를 마친다. 제 1세대는 6월 하순경 제 2세대는 9월 하순경에 출현한다. 2) 성충은 오후 7~8시경에 출현하며 그 수명은 2~5일이며 ♀(자)가 ♂(웅)보다 약간 긴 듯하다. 3) 유충은 제 2~제 3 탁엽 AB 내면과 제 2~제 3 미개엽 이면에 기생한다. 따라서 생장점 부근에 피해를 준다. 4) 변태별 기간은 기상조건에 따라서 차가 심하며 특히 용은 한발시는 우화하지 못한다. 5) 유충부화시는 유백색이지만 등홍색으로 변하여 고숙하며 고숙유충은 15~20cm의 도요능력을 가지고 토중 15~30cm에 잠입화용한다. 그 크기는 0.3mm로부터 2.0mm 내외까지 발육한다. 6) 용기간은 하계는 7~8일 내외이며 조잡한 견에 쌓여있다. 7) 월동상태는 원칙적으로 용태월동을 하나 때에 따라서 유충월동도 있다. 2. 방제법 1) B.H.C. 분제 토양살포는 고숙유충이 입토 4~5일 후나 우화하기 전에 반당 2%액 400~600$\ell$(20~30두) 이상을 시용함이 효과적이라고 생각된다. 2) 매몰시험에 있어서는 심도 5cm 이상이면 성충우화를 방지할 수 있다고 인정된다.

The insect Diplosis mori Yokoyama is causing extensive destruction of mulberry trees in Korea with a resultant loss in silk production. This study was made to determine an effective method of control. Methods and Materials Used Preliminary studies were made to determine more exactly the life cycle of the insect. Based on this information, various control measures were tested, including the use of spray methods with BHC and control of larvae by tilling. Results Obtained 1. Life cycle studies (a) In the Suwon area, this-insect has 5 generations per year. The first starts in the later part of June and the final cycle ends in the later part of September. (b) The adult insects appear about 7: 00-8: 00 P.M. and live for 2-5 days. Females live in longer periods than the male. (c) Larvae lives inside the second and third stipules (A. B.) before mulberry leaf development. They cause extensive damage to the leaves at the point where they are attached to the stem. (d) Weather conditions considerably affect the life cycle. The pupa particularly are affected and not be able to change into the moth stage when there is a long period of no rain. (e) Larvae are large......0.3 to 2.0mm......and are milky-white immediately after hatching but turn to pinkish as the worm matures. The matured worm has a jumping ability up to 15-20cm. The worm burrows into the ground 1.5 to 3.0 cm before changing into the pupal stage. (f) The pupal stage usually lasts 7-8 days, in summer weather conditions and the pupa is surrounded with a coarse cocoon. (g) These insects, as a general rule, overwinter as pupae but sometimes as larvae. 2. Control measures (a) BHC dust applied on the ground seem most effective. It should be done 4-5 days after the worm has burrowed into the ground. For this control, it is recommended that 6kg of a 2% formation Tanbo(l0ares) be used. (b) For the effective spraying against the fly, it is recommended that a formulation of liquid BHC spray terials be used at the rate of 400-600 liters per Tanbo. (c) Tillage methods which provide a cover of soil 5cm or more in depth above infested areas will effect-maively prevent the emergence of the fly from the pupal stage. 3. Conclusions Methods of control against Diplosis mori Yokoyama can be tied more closely to the life cycle of the insect with more effective results. Further studies are needed to complete information on possible controls during or after hibernation. Economic studies on the cost of these control measures are also needed.
