Pleioblastus Sinomi Nakai (해장죽)의 동정의 관한 연구


  • 발행 : 1962.09.01


본실험은 3년간 동일한 조건하에서 생육한 해장죽(1)과 해장죽(2)의 비교해부학적 연구를 기반으로 하여 서로 상이한 종임을 재확인하였다. 조직학적 연구에 의하여 대과의 진화과정을 다소 구명할 수 있었다. 주맥유관속의 크기, 통기조직, 순관의 크기, 후탄유조직의 비후, 제형세포에 있어서 두종의 뚜렸한 차이를 발견하였다. 외부형태에 있어서도 해장죽(1)과 해장죽(2)는 상위하였으며 해장죽(1)은 절간이 길고 해장죽(2)보다 협과이며 동일한 토양조건에 있어서도 생장율의 차가 생겼다. 두종간의 Paper chrmatography에 의한 정성분기에서도 상이하였다. 이상 제약인에 의해서 해장죽(1)과 해장죽(2) 상위한 종으로써 해장죽(2)는 해장죽(1)의 변종임을 결론지을 수 있었다.

Studies on the anatomical observation of Bamboos distributed in East-South Asia for systematic botany were scarecely reported except for the morphological studies on Bamboos, which was investigated by Dr. Hiroshi Usui, present author and others. Recently it has been certain that it could be hardly classify some species of bamboo family without this work. For this reason the author reported the anatomical studies on Korean bamboos in 1959, and furthermore the author intended to identify the two species of Pleioblastum Simoni Nakai in Korean bamboos by studying the characteristics of internal structure and qualitative assay of free amino acid containg in Pleioblastus Simoni Nakai(1), (2). In view of fact that there is some differences between two species, it is likely to be identifiable completely different species one another. Furthermore, a lot of characteristics surveyed by the author were as follow: It was reassumed that two species cultivated under same conditions for three years were different alternately in the species of Pleioblastus Simoni Nakai. At the same time, these studies could clarify some evolutional processes of bamboo family. On the other hand, it was found that two species had not only the obvious difference in aerenchyma, the size of thickwalled parenchyma and bulliform cell, but also the internode of Pleioblastus Simoni Nakai(1) is longer than the other, the speed of growing is more rapid, the leaf of former is narrow and that of latter is wide. The free amino acids containg in each species were found as 18 kinds, especially Pleioblastus Simoni Nakai (2) had not Histidine in spite of containg in Pleioblastus Simoni Nakia(1). From the characteristics and the experiments described above, it seemed to the author that Pleioblasus Simoni Nakai (1) which was growing at the region of Ulsan in Korea.
