비수적정법을 이용한 약품분석 연구 (제1보) 약염기성혼합약품의 분리정량법에 대하여

Studies on Pharmaceutical Quantitative Analysis by means of Non-aqueous Titration Method (I) Isolative Determination of Mixed Weak Basic Chemicals.

  • 발행 : 1960.10.01


The study of the isolative determination of the mixed weak bases of INAH and NA-Pas potentimetrically considering the properties of solvents for the INAH and Na-PAS, dielectric constant and solvative properties of solvents are described. The methanol: dioxan (4:1) and glacial acetic acid: dioxan (4:1) are studied first as the mixed solvent, using the N/10 perchloric acid and glacial acetic acid solution as the titrant. The authors found that there is no inflection on INAH with the methanol: dioxan solvent system and on Na-PAS at glacial acetic acid dioxan solvent system. By applying methanol glacial acetic acid dioxan (1:1:1) solvent system, Na-PAS and INAH were successfully determined isolatively from the mixed sample, showing the distinguished inflections respectively as shown in the titration curves in figures 3 and 4. It is found that this method could save considerable time for the isolative determination of the mixed sample of week bases as Na PAS and INHA which were quite difficult to be determined by the present routine at control laboratory.
