低質炭의 利用硏究 (第一報) 無燃固體燃料의 燃燒速度의 測定)

Studies on the Utilization of Low Quality Coals (1) Determination of combustion velocity of smokeless solid fuels

  • 발행 : 19571100


Up to now, only superficial studies on the combustion velocity of smokeless fuels have been reported, while it should be a basical factor on the utilization of low quality coals and some other smokeless solid fuels. It was, therefore, difficult to choose raw material coals in manufacturing gaseous fuels. With the intent to solve above problem, we have determined combustion velocity of domestic anthracites, graphites, coalites of lignite and cokes from Japanese bituminous coal. The results show that the cokes from Japanese bituminous coal which has been used as raw material in the manufacturing gaseous fuels such as water gas, or producer gas in Korea can be replaced by some sources of domestic anthracite or coalite of lignite.
