본 논문은 과학기술정보통신부 대학디지털교육역량강화사업의 지원을 통해 수행한 ICT멘토링 프로젝트 결과물 입니다
- Korea Disabled People's Development Institute, Disabled Peopel's Life Panel Survey, The degree of inconvenience and reasons for living in the residential area, 2022
- Korea Consumer Agency, "Survey onb raille labeling of food for the visually impaired", 8page, 9page, 2022
- Kim, B. (2024, September 2). [2024 Pro Bono ICT Mentoring Contest] Tibutibu Chips. Youtube. https://youtu.be/dkyFQGKaWUE?si=PE504Y3oXb430zdf
- Kim, B. (2024, September 2). [2024 Pro Bono ICT Mentoring Contest] Tibutibu Chips. Youtube. https://youtu.be/dkyFQGKaWUE?si=PE504Y3oXb430zdf