본 논문은 해양수산부 실무형 해상물류 일자리 지원사업(스마트해상물류 x ICT멘토링)을 통해 수행한 ICT멘토링 프로젝트 결과물입니다.
- KOTRA, "예멘 후티반군 선박 공격으로 인한 해운업계 영향", 2023. 01. 17, https://dream.kotra.or.kr/kotranews/cms/news
- Shanghai Containerized Freight Index(SCFI) -January 2020 to September 2021, Journal of Shipping Economics.
- Drewry Shipping Consultants, "Freight Rate Analysis Report", 2021.
- Searates.com, "Freight Rate Comparison and Shipping Solutions", https://www.searates.com/.
- https://github.com/RPA-freight-platform