커피 공급망의 전통적 순환경제 vs 통합적 블록체인 기술 비교 연구

Traditional Circular Economy vs Integrated Blockchain Technology in the Coffee Supply Chain: A Comparative Study

  • 발행 : 2023.11.02


The circular economy approach in the coffee supply chain promotes a more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible coffee industry. It aims to reduce the environmental impact of coffee production and consumption while ensuring the long-term viability of coffee farming communities and ecosystems. However, there are many challenges in the traditional circular economy coffee supply chain. Hence, this paper undertakes a comparative analysis between the traditional circular economy coffee supply chain and its integration with blockchain. As a result, we display the benefits of incorporating blockchain technology into the conventional circular economy framework of the coffee supply chain. Additionally, this integration promises to overcome the challenges in the traditional circular economy coffee supply chain.



This research was supported by the MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT), Korea, under the Special R&D Zone Development Project (R&D) - Development of R&D Innovation Valley support program (2023-DD-RD-0152) supervised by the Innovation Foundation.