본 논문은 국토교통부 디지털 기반 건축시공 및 안전감리 기술개발 사업의 연구비지원(RS-2022-00143493, 과제번호: 1615012983)에 의해 수행되었습니다.
Kiscon, Seumteo, KONEPS and CSI are representative construction-related DBs. All four DBs are operated by the public. However, the characteristics of data are different depending on the purpose. Therefore, it is difficult to utilize integrated data and it is only used sparingly. Creating and sharing a unique key that can identify a construction site will enable integrated accumulation and management of construction-related data for various purposes. At this point, it is most efficient to assign a unique key based on KISCON. KISCOn data conforms to the construction site definition and covers most of the public, private, architectural and civil works. In addition, there is an advantage in that DB construction is performed in the construction situation, which is a relatively preceding process. In the future, it is necessary to create a practical construction site integrated DB through the production of an integrated key table containing linkage information of unique keys for site management, performance indicators, and statistics production.
본 논문은 국토교통부 디지털 기반 건축시공 및 안전감리 기술개발 사업의 연구비지원(RS-2022-00143493, 과제번호: 1615012983)에 의해 수행되었습니다.