볼류메트릭 모듈 양중 및 인양 대안에 관한 연구

Economic Alternative for Volumetric Module Lifting/Offloading

  • 발행 : 2023.05.17


The construction industry's lack of experience and expertise makes it difficult for projects to realize the full benefits of implementing modular construction. Such project performance-hindering elements are often labeled as modular challenges. The added requirement for the transportation of the finished volumetric module is one aspect of the 'module transportation logistics,' the under-researched modular challenge that can prevent projects from incurring maximum cost and productivity benefits. The typical module transportation phases include lifting, transporting, and offloading. From conducting a literature review, this paper aims to investigate the equipment commonly adopted to lift and offload the module and validate its economic efficiency by comparing it with the alternative lifting/offloading equipment used in the two case projects. The results showed that hydraulic jacks are an economic alternative to the crane for lifting/offloading the module. The increase in single-module projects with smaller budgets made crane usage economically undesirable, and this study suggested a viable option for a more economical alternative.



본 연구는 국토교통부 디지털 기반 건축시공 및 안전감리 기술개발 사업의 연구비지원(RS-2022-00143493, 과제번호:1615012983)에 의해 수행되었습니다.