Development of a 3D Printing System for Construction Using an Articulated Robot

다관절 로봇을 이용한 건설용 3D프린팅 출력시스템 개발

  • 이기륜 (현대건설 기술연구원, 스마트건설연구실 건설자동화연구팀) ;
  • 노현주 (현대건설 기술연구원, 스마트건설연구실 건설자동화연구팀) ;
  • 정남철 (현대건설 기술연구원, 스마트건설연구실 건설자동화연구팀)
  • Published : 2023.11.10


3D printing technology is recognized as a core technology that will lead the next generation, and is a field that can have a large ripple effect if it innovates the existing construction production method. Therefore, this study deals with the development of a 3d printing system using an articulated robot for construction purposes. In this system, ABB robot was used to control the developed cement gun accurately. The system is composed of mixer to mix cementitious materials, pump to transfer the materials, abb robot to motion control and cement gun to extrude the materials to print required construction parts. Using the system developed in this study, a suitable mix ratio of cementitious materials was found and successively printed a 1m high structure that demonstrated possibility of printing structures using 3d printer. In the future, we plan to build a foundation for automated construction through research on construction methods and materials that can be continuously layered for the system.



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