Estimation of Setting Time and Compressive Strength of the Concrete According to Curing Conditions Using a Hybrid Meter

하이브리드 미터를 이용한 양생조건에 따른 응결 및 압축강도 추정

  • Published : 2023.11.10


This study aimed to evaluate a feasibility of estimating setting time and compressive strength of curing conditions using a Hybrid meter. As a result, It was determined that the measured hardness value at the initial set, final set and at 5MPa of the Hybrid meter were not affected by curing conditions. And the Hybrid meter(A) is confirmed to have a higher correlation, so it is judged to be more suitable for pratical use.



본 논문은 2023년도 (주)유탑엔지니어링건축사무소 연구비 지원에 의한 수행된 연구임을 밝히며 이에 감사를 드립니다, (과제번호 : 202100197)


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