This study proposes rainwater infiltration retention blocks as a solution to the flooding problems caused by recent climate change and developed a flood prediction simulation program to select the optimal site for installing rainwater infiltration retention blocks that can minimize damage from floods. By applying the existing 2D flood analysis model G2D and adding a reservoir function, the volume of water before and after installation can be determined through simulation results.
This research was funded by the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advencement (KAIA) grant funded by the Korean government (MOLIT) (grant number RS-KA162704).
최형길, 김호진, 류정림, 최희용, 이태규. 친환경 조립식빗물 침투형 저류블록의 개발 및 구조안전성 해석. 대한건축학회연합논문집. 2023. 제25권. p. 9-16.