A Model for Optimization Process of Asbestos Dismantling Work Using Simulation

시뮬레이션을 이용한 석면 해체공사의 최적화 공정계획 모델

  • 조형준 (인하대학교 사회인프라공학과) ;
  • 노재윤 (인하대학교 건축공학과(건축공학)) ;
  • 이호현 (인하대학교 사회인프라공학과) ;
  • 이수민 (인하대학교 건축공학과(건축공학)) ;
  • 한승우 (인하대학교 건축학부)
  • Published : 2022.11.10


In Korea, asbestos removal has been actively carried out nationwide since 2015 when asbestos was completely banned as a first-class carcinogen. Since scattering dust generated in the process of removing asbestos causes fatal diseases such as asbestos lung disease and lung cancer, concerns are growing over the safety of construction workers and building users undergoing dismantling. For this reason, regulations on asbestos sites have been strengthened and prior studies on safety and risk assessment have been conducted, but research on actual site data collection and process planning is insufficient even though safety is reduced due to delay in site construction period. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the work and delay factors of the asbestos dismantling process and develop an optimized process plan model for workers. This study is an initial step to develop an optimized process plan model that considers the safety and productivity of asbestos dismantling work, and aims to help establish an optimized process plan for asbestos dismantling process using website clone simulation.



본 논문은 한국연구재단의 지원(과제번호 2021R1A2C1007467)으로 수행된 연구이며, 이에 감사를 드립니다.