EIS Properties of Lightweght Aggregate According to Surface Coating

표면 코팅 유무에 따른 경량골재의 EIS 특징

  • Published : 2022.11.10


In recent years, the construction industry has a tendency to increase of high-rise builidngs. High rise buildings can use limited space efficiently. But High rise buildings have problem that have extremely heavy weight. Various studies are being conducted to reduce the weight of buildings. Although lightweight aggregate is a meterial that can effectively reduce the weight of buildings, the strength of the aggregate itself is weak and the absorption rate is high, so the strength of the ITZ(Interfacial Transition Zone) area is weak. Therefore, it is essential to improve the interfacial area when using lightweight aggregates. In this study, an experiment was conducted to improve the adhesion between the aggregate and cement paste and to strengthen the interfacial area by coating the surface of the lighteight aggregate with Blast Furnace Slag. To confirm the improvement, compressive strength and EIS(Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy) measurements were perfromed. Using EIS, the change in electrical resistance of the cement hardened body was confirmed. As a result, it was confirmed that the lightweight aggregate coated on the surface showed highter compressive strength and electrical resistance than the non-coated lightweight aggregate, and that the coating material was filled in the interfacial area and inside the aggregate that helped to strengthen the compresssive strength and higher electrical resistance.



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