A Study on the Analysis of Fire Risk according to the Operation Scenario of Fire Safety Equipment

화재안전설비 작동 시나리오에 따른 화재위험분석에 관한 연구

  • 진승현 (호서대학교 소방방재학과) ;
  • 구인혁 (호서대학교, 산학협력단) ;
  • 권영진 (호서대학교 소방방재학과)
  • Published : 2022.11.10


This study aims to present basic data for fire risk assessment. In the existing fire risk assessment, the operation of fire safety facilities is not considered. In addition, there is a lack of data on the fire growth rate to predict the spread of fire. Therefore, this study intends to build a fire scenario using fire statistics data. In addition, the fire growth rate is to be derived in consideration of the floor area of burnout and the cause of fire.



본 연구는 소방청 재난현장 긴급대응 기술개발사업(20015074)의 연구비 지원으로 수행되었습니다.