Development of a displacement measurement system for architectural structures using artificial intelligence techniques

인공지능 기법을 활용한 건축 구조물 변위측정시스템 개발

  • Published : 2022.04.20


As a recent technology, it is possible to partially grasp the occurrence of displacement of the entire building through artificial intelligence technology for big data through scanning. However, scanning and data processing take a lot of time, so there is a limit to constant monitoring, so constant monitoring technology of building behavior that combines wireless remote sensors and 3D shape scanning is required. Therefore, in this study, artificial intelligence program coding technology is linked. In addition, a technology capable of real-time wireless remote measurement of structure displacement will be developed through technology development in response to safety management that combines existing building technologies such as sensors. Through this, it is possible to establish an integrated management system for safety inspection and diagnosis.



본 논문은 2021년도 중소기업기술개발 지원사업 산학연 Collabo R&D의 '원격 센싱과 3D스캐닝 기술을 융합한 건축물 변위평가 시스템 개발'(과제번호 : S3115914)연구비 지원에 의해 수행되었습니다.