머신 러닝을 사용한 이미지 클러스터링: K-means 방법을 사용한 InceptionV3 연구

Image Clustering Using Machine Learning : Study of InceptionV3 with K-means Methods.

  • Nindam, Somsauwt (Division of Computer Science and Engineering, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Hyo Jong (Division of Computer Science and Engineering, Jeonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2021.11.04


In this paper, we study image clustering without labeling using machine learning techniques. We proposed an unsupervised machine learning technique to design an image clustering model that automatically categorizes images into groups. Our experiment focused on inception convolutional neural networks (inception V3) with k-mean methods to cluster images. For this, we collect the public datasets containing Food-K5, Flowers, Handwritten Digit, Cats-dogs, and our dataset Rice Germination, and the owner dataset Palm print. Our experiment can expand into three-part; First, format all the images to un-label and move to whole datasets. Second, load dataset into the inception V3 extraction image features and transferred to the k-mean cluster group hold on six classes. Lastly, evaluate modeling accuracy using the confusion matrix base on precision, recall, F1 to analyze. In this our methods, we can get the results as 1) Handwritten Digit (precision = 1.000, recall = 1.000, F1 = 1.00), 2) Food-K5 (precision = 0.975, recall = 0.945, F1 = 0.96), 3) Palm print (precision = 1.000, recall = 0.999, F1 = 1.00), 4) Cats-dogs (precision = 0.997, recall = 0.475, F1 = 0.64), 5) Flowers (precision = 0.610, recall = 0.982, F1 = 0.75), and our dataset 6) Rice Germination (precision = 0.997, recall = 0.943, F1 = 0.97). Our experiment showed that modeling could get an accuracy rate of 0.8908; the outcomes state that the proposed model is strongest enough to differentiate the different images and classify them into clusters.



This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the NRF of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education (GR 2019R1D1A3A03103736).