Study on the Fractures Types of PHC Pile by Impact Load of Follower

보조말뚝의 충격하중에 의한 PHC말뚝의 파손유형 고찰

  • 서동남 (우미건설(주) 품질기술팀) ;
  • 최상호 ((주)큐엘엔지니어링) ;
  • 김진식 (우미건설(주) 품질기술팀) ;
  • 김민갑 (우미건설(주) 건축주택본부) ;
  • 이동현 (우미건설(주) 견적/품질기술) ;
  • 조성준 (우미건설(주))
  • Published : 2021.11.12


This study analyzed the cases of cracks in piles due to the use of followers under construction conditions where water exists inside the piles, and confirmed whether the piles were cracked through a field test simulating the construction conditions in which water pressure inside the piles was generated by a hammer. According to the construction case, under the construction condition where the pile length is 20% to 30% shorter than the drilled length, about 80% cracks occur, so there is a high possibility of cracking due to water inside the pile. A field test was conducted to confirm the type of pile failure due to hammer under the construction condition in which water exists inside the pile. The pile head was not destroyed by the compressive load, and one or more longitudinal cracks occurred along the PC steel wire. The closed end pile generates water pressure by hammer. the follower and cushion(compression plywood) must be drilled at least 0.4D. It is expected that improved quality control will be possible as the water pressure inside the pile is reduced.
