Derivation of the Safety Management Classification System for Modular Construction through Case Study

사례분석을 통한 모듈러 건축의 현장 안전관리 분류체계(안) 도출

  • 전영훈 (한국건설기술연구원 건설산업고도화센터) ;
  • 김균태 (한국건설기술연구원 건설산업고도화센터) ;
  • 전은비 (한국건설기술연구원 건설산업고도화센터 UST, 과학기술연합대학원대학교)
  • Published : 2020.11.12


In modular construction, safety management is required to prevent the occurrence of risk factors such as lifting work and high place work due to the characteristics of the construction method. Therefore, this study is a basic study for safety management of modular construction, and the purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the classification system of modular construction derived by analyzing the construction process of the existing case. Based on the results of this study, the safety management classification system will be used in future research to derive safety management factors in modular construction.



본 연구는 2020년 국토교통부 주거환경연구사업 모듈러 건축 중고층화 및 생산성 향상 기술개발의 연구비 지원에 의한 결과의 일부임(과제번호 : 20RERP-B082884-07)