Asteroid Taxonomic Classification in Photometry

  • Published : 2020.10.13


Multi-band photometry provides an advantage in being able to perform taxonomic classification analysis on a large number of asteroids in a much shorter period of time than spectroscopy. We observed main-belt asteroids using Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) in CTIO during the summer seasons in the southern hemisphere, mostly in December 2015, 2016 and 2017 with two visible photometric systems, SDSS (g, r, i, and z), and Johnson-Cousins (B, V, R, and I). Targets were selected for the asteroids which had already been classified based on Bus-Binzel taxonomy (Bus & Binzel, 2002) and DeMeo taxonomy (DeMeo et al. 2009). Not only the targets but also numerous serendipitously observed asteroids were identified. In summary, 6817 and 5456 known objects, including 307 and 233 already classified asteroids were observed with SDSS and Johnson-Cousins systems, respectively. Using principal component analysis, the three major asteroid complexes and a class, S-, C-, and X-complexes and V class are found to be well separated in the principal component plane (spectral slope and 1 micron absorption depth) with both filter systems. We will present and discuss the results of our newly proposed three-dimensional color taxonomy for asteroids using the whole dataset (Roh et al., to be submitted).
