Filaments and Dense Cores in IC5146: Roles of Gravity, Turbulence, and Magnetic Field

  • Published : 2020.10.13


Filamentary structures pervade the whole kind of molecular clouds from low- to high-mass star-forming clouds, and the non-star-forming clouds. It is supposed to be a prerequisite stage of star formation, and hence how filaments and dense cores form is one of the critical questions in the early star formation study. We investigated the dynamics and chemistry of dense cores in IC5146 using TRAO FUNS (TRAO Survey of the nearby Filamentary molecular clouds, the Universal Nursery of Stars) data. In addition, we performed polarization observation using JCMT Pol-2 polarimetry to investigate the magnetic field morphology within a core-scale. In the presentation, we will present the result of TRAO FUNS and JCMT/Pol2 observation toward the filaments and dense cores in the IC5146. We aim to reveal the roles of gravity, turbulence, and magnetic field in the formation of dense cores in the western hub-filament structure of IC5146.
