Ebert-Fastie spectrograph using the Transformable Reflective Telescope kit

  • Published : 2020.10.13


Kyung Hee university invented the Transformable Reflective Telescope (TRT) for optical experiment and education. The TRT kit can transform into three optical configurations from Newtonian to Cassegrain to Gregorian by exchanging the secondary mirror. We designed the Ebert-Fastie spectrograph as an extension of the TRT kit. The primary mirror of the TRT kit serves as both collimator and camera lens, and the reflective grating as the dispersing element is placed along the optical axis of the primary mirror. We designed and fabricated the grating holder and the source units using 3D printer. Baffle was also fabricated to suppress the stray light, which was reduced by 83%. The spectrograph can observe the optical wavelength range (4000Å~7000Å). Measured resolving power (R=λ/Δλ) was ~700 with slit width of 0.18mm. The spectrograph is optimized for f/24, and the spectral pixel scale is 0.49Å/pixel with Canon 550D detector. We present the sample spectra of discharged Ne, Ar and Kr gases. The flexible setting and high performance make this spectrograph a useful tool for education and experiment.
