Feasibility Study of Fine Dust Removal Technology in Construction Site

건설현장 미세먼지 제거기술의 타당성 분석

  • 김균태 (한국건설기술연구원 건설산업고도화센터)
  • Published : 2019.11.01


The construction industry is known to be one of the representative industries that generate fine dust. Therefore, reducing the amount of fine dust generated in construction sites is very important for the overall fine dust management. Based on this, this study proposed the concept of fine dust measurement and removal technology combined with advanced technologies such as drones and IoT. The qualitative, quantitative and risk elimination effects that can be expected when applying the proposed technique are analyzed. We will verify the effectiveness of the proposed concept through system development and field application, and evaluate specific economic feasibility through cost analysis. The proposed concept will be validated through system development and field application and evaluated specific economics through cost analysis.
