ALMA Observations of a Massive-star-forming Infrared Dark Cloud Core MSXDC G053.11+00.05 MM1

  • 발행 : 2019.04.10


We present the ALMA observations of the infrared dark cloud (IRDC) core MSXDC G053.11+00.05 MM1 at the distance of 1.7 kpc. While the core was first identified at 1.2 mm with a mass of 124 Msun, recent near- and mid-infrared observations have revealed a parsec-scale molecular hydrogen (H2 1-0 S(1) at 2.12 micron) outflow and two early class young stellar objects (YSOs) at the center of the core, one of which is likely massive (M > 8 Msun). From the ALMA Band 7 observations with a resolution of 0.5", we have found a dust filament of < 0.1 pc in which five dense cores are embedded in the 870 micron continuum. The brightest core is consistent with one of the two previously-detected YSOs, but the other four are newly discovered implying their very deeply embedded status. We have also detected several molecular line emission including H13CO+ and C17O as well as 13CO outflow with complicated morphology. At the brightest core, the methanol line (CH3OH) shows velocity gradients, which may support the existence of a circumstellar disk around a high-mass protostar. Based on the derived properties of the dense cores, we discuss their association with the two YSOs and H2 outflow detected in infrared and high-mass star-formation process occurring in IRDC cores.
