NIR spectroscopy of three class I young stellar objects using IGRINS

  • 발행 : 2019.04.10


We present near-infrared spectroscopic results for three nearby class I sources, IRAS 03445+3242, IRAS 04239+2436 and ESO $H{\alpha}$ 279a. We detected many molecular and atomic line emissions, e.g., $H_2$, [Fe II], Hydrogen Bracket series recombination, Ca I, Na I & CO overtone band, from these sources using the high-resolution Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrometer (IGRINS; R~45,000). Previous studies showed that all the three sources posses actively accreting Keplerian disks. We performed spectral analysis to understand the origin of Hydrogen Bracket series recombination lines. We also estimated the accretion properties and mass loss rates of circumstellar disks for all the three sources.
