Deep Learning Model on Gravitational Waves of Merger and Ringdown in Coalescence of Binary Black Holes

  • Lee, Joongoo (Seoul National University) ;
  • Cho, Gihyuk (Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Kyungmin (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) ;
  • Oh, Sang Hoon (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences) ;
  • Oh, John J. (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences) ;
  • Son, Edwin J. (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)
  • 발행 : 2019.04.10


We propose a deep learning model that can generate a waveform of coalescing binary black holes in merging and ring-down phases in less than one second with a graphics processing unit (GPU) as an approximant of gravitational waveforms. Up to date, numerical relativity has been accepted as the most adequate tool for the accurate prediction of merger phase of waveform, but it is known that it typically requires huge amount of computational costs. We present our method can generate the waveform with ~98% matching to that of the status-of-the-art waveform approximant, effective-one-body model calibrated to numerical relativity simulation and the time for the generation of ~1500 waveforms takes O(1) seconds. The validity of our model is also tested through the recovery of signal-to-noise ratio and the recovery of waveform parameters by injecting the generated waveforms into a public open noise data produced by LIGO. Our model is readily extendable to incorporate additional physics such as higher harmonics modes of the ring-down phase and eccentric encounters, since it only requires sufficient number of training data from numerical relativity simulations.
