Episodic Accretion in Star and Planet Formation

  • 발행 : 2019.04.10


Protostars grow their mass by the accretion of disk material, which is infalling from the envelope. This accretion process is important to the physical and chemical conditions of the disk and envelope, and thus, the planets yet to be formed from the disk material. Therefore, if we map the physical and chemical properties of disks and envelopes, we can study indirectly the accretion process in star formation. In particular, the chemical distribution in the disk and the inner envelope of a young stellar object is greatly affected by the thermal history, which is mainly determined by the accretion process in the system. In my talk, I will review the episodic accretion model for the low mass star formation and observational efforts to find the evidence of episodic accretion. Finally, I will present our recent ALMA detection of several complex organic molecules associated directly with the planet formation in V883 Ori, which is in the burst accretion phase.
