M&S를 통한 비상대피시설의 적정 출입구 개수 산정에 관한 연구

A Study on the Estimation of the Number of Suitable Entrances for Emergency Evacuation Facilities through Modeling and Simulation

  • 발행 : 2019.05.15


In this research, we determine the proper number of entrances in the evacuation facilities for civil and military personnel. The current standards on the emergency evacuation facility only sets the number of possible evacuees and the according architectural floor area since the evacuation have been completed. However, other than static standards such as the floor area, there is needs to consider the dynamic standards along with allowable evacuation time such as the number of entrance, staircases and so on. Therefore, we need to consider the number of entrances and their location in order to account for the allowed evacuation time of particular number of people in a set area. The outcome could be contributed to the standards which should contain the dynamic conditions associated with evacuation.
