NGC 4517 Group: A New Galaxy Group in front of the Virgo Cluster

  • 발행 : 2019.10.14


We present the distance measurements of two spiral galaxies NGC 4517, NGC 4592, and neighboring dwarf galaxies found in Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP) wide field survey data. Distances to NGC 4517 and NGC 4592 are measured by the Tip of the Red Giant Branch method from archival Hubble Space Telescope data; 9.00+0.094-0.260 Mpc for NGC 4517 and 8.90+0.256-0.060 Mpc for NGC 4592. The spatial distance between NGC 4517 and NGC 4592 is 300 kpc, which is close enough for them to be considered as a group (NGC 4517 group). Using resolved stellar photometry and Surface Brightness Fluctuation (SBF) method with HSC-SSP data, we estimate the distances to three other dwarf galaxies and confirm that they are members of the group. Velocities of three of the galaxies in the NGC 4517 group show that this group is one of the galaxy groups in the near side of the Virgo Cluster infall region.
