A Study on the Items on Checklist of Design for Long-life Housing Considering the Construction Stage

시공단계를 고려한 장수명주택의 설계 체크리스트 항목 도출

  • 강지연 (서울주택도시공사 SH도시연구원) ;
  • 홍구표 (서울주택도시공사 SH도시연구원) ;
  • 김형근 (서울주택도시공사 SH도시연구원)
  • Published : 2018.05.16


The long-life housing certification system must have been applied more than 1,000 households apartments since 2015. The basic design guideline for the popularization of long-life housing has been developed in 2017, which include the concept of long-life housing and basic principle of design long-life housing. The demonstration project of long-life housing is be currently under construction in Sejong-si. The aim of this study is to find items on design checklist considering construction stage. The main goal is the development of design manual of long-life housing.
