CO2 Emission And Cost Analysis Of Blended Concrete

혼합 콘크리트의 CO2 배출 및 비용 분석

  • 양욱 (강원대학교, 건축공학과, 시멘트화학 실험실) ;
  • 왕소용 (강원대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2018.05.16


This paper investigates CO2 emission and cost analysis of blended concrete which was added with fly ash and slag. Three kinds of blended concrete were studied in this investigation, the first blended concrete was added fly ash replacing part of the cement while the second was added slag, the third was added fly ash and slag. Analysis result display that the blended concrete containing fly ash and slag is the optimal choice while considering economic and CO2 emissions.
