A basic study 3D model advancement method for nuclear power plant

원자력 발전설비의 3D 모델 상세화 방안에 대한 기초 연구

  • 임병기 (한국수력원자력 중앙연구원 플랜트건설기술연구소)
  • Published : 2018.05.16


BIM(Building Information Modeling) in the architecture, VDC(Virtual Design and Construction) defined CIFE(Center for Integrated Facility Engineering) of Stanford university in USA, and Data-driven design definition issued by TECDOC-1284 of IAEA are doing data-level design generated by 3D CAD technology, integrating and managing related information based on the 3D model, and Using 3D models effectively during nuclear power plant life cycle. 3D model of domestic nuclear power industry is using interference review between design fields, 4D system linked 3D construction model and schedule activity, but the 3D model generated in the design phase is effectively not utilized during the construction, operation, decommissioning. therefore, This study is aimed to suggest 3D model LOD(Level of Detail) advancement method through the analysis of existing literature, 2D drawings, and 3D models throughout nuclear power plant lifecycle.
