Strength Properties of Cement Matrix using Phytoncide

피톤치드를 혼입한 시멘트경화체의 강도 특성

  • 김현성 (목원대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 김선아 (목원대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 박선규 (목원대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2018.05.16


Most finishing materials are vulnerable to durability, humidity resistance and fire. And those products used formaldehyde to protect, during the manufacturing process. Also most finishing materials used adhesives to construction process indoor. All of these elements are major causes of releasing formaldehyde. In this study, concrete used by phytoncide was examined to remove the formaldehyde. As a result of the experiment, we found that compressive strength was increased and formaldehyde effectively removed by using mixture of cement matrix and phytoncide.
