A Survey on Smart Internet of Things - Trend Issues, Cognitive Computing Frameworks

지능형 IoT에 대한 조사 - Cognitive Computing Frameworks, 트렌드 이슈

  • Published : 2018.05.11


From the last past decade, the Internet of Thing (IoT) area has attracted a lot of attention from researchers. It is said to be a promising technology with great impact in people life, since it redefines the relationship objects have with Human and between themselves. It allows objects to gather data from the real world and communicate with others through the internet. This enabled many opportunities for service providers, companies, factories, environmental monitoring, healthcare, smart cities, and soon. Therefore, today, IoT is densely used in various domains of life, and knows an exponential growth. However, although many advancements have been achieved, several challenges keep causing issues and still need to be overcome. This paper gives an overview on the current trend issues in IoT on which researchers are focusing. It's also explores different proposed frameworks to allow the application of cognitive computing as an integrated process of an Internet of things (IoT) systems, to bring a great advanced in the way machine may communicate with human and their surroundings. This is known as cognitive IoT (CIoT), which allows machines to produce a human-like behavior, then providing enhanced level of capabilities to IoT.
