Observing the central engine of GRB170817A

  • van Putten, Maurice H.P.M. (Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University)
  • 발행 : 2018.05.08


GW170817/GRB170817A establishes a double neutron star merger as the progenitor of a short gamma-ray burst, starting 1.7 s post-coalescence. GRB170817A represents prompt or continuous emission from a newly formed hyper-massive neutron star or black hole. We report on a deep search for broadband extended gravitational-wave emission in spectrograms up to 700 Hz of LIGO O2 data covering this event produced by butterfly filtering comprising a bank of templates of 0.5 s. A detailed discussion is given of signal-to-noise ratios in image analysis of spectrograms and confidence levels of candidate features. This new pipeline is realized by heterogeneous computing with modern graphics processor units (GPUs). (Based on van Putten, M.H.PM., 2017, PTEP, 093F01.)
