Epigenetic regulation of fungal development and pathogenesis in the rice blast fungus

  • Jeon, Junhyun (Department of Biotechnology, College of Life and Applied Sciences, Yeungnam University)
  • Published : 2018.05.09


Fungal pathogens have huge impact on health and economic wellbeing of human by causing life-threatening mycoses in immune-compromised patients or by destroying crop plants. A key determinant of fungal pathogenesis is their ability to undergo developmental change in response to host or environmental factors. Genetic pathways that regulate such morphological transitions and adaptation are therefore extensively studied during the last few decades. Given that epigenetic as well as genetic components play pivotal roles in development of plants and mammals, contribution of microbial epigenetic counterparts to this morphogenetic process is intriguing yet nearly unappreciated question to date. To bridge this gap in our knowledge, we set out to investigate histone modifications among epigenetic mechanisms that possibly regulate fungal adaptation and processes involved in pathogenesis of a model plant pathogenic fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. For functional and comparative analysis of histone modifications, a web-based database (dbHiMo) was constructed first to archive and analyze histone modifying enzymes from eukaryotic species whose genome sequences are available. Based on the database entries, we carried out functional analysis of genes encoding histone modifying enzymes. Here I provide examples of such analyses that show how histone acetylation and methylation is implicated in regulating important aspects of fungal pathogenesis. Current analysis of histone modifying enzymes is followed by ChIP-seq and RNA-seq experiments to pinpoint the genes that are controlled by particular histone modifications. We anticipate that our work will provide not only the significant advances in our understanding of epigenetic mechanisms operating in microbial eukaryotes but also basis to expand our perspective on regulation of development in fungal pathogens.
