What Gemini Can Do for You

  • Published : 2018.10.10


Welcome to Gemini! In this overview, I'll describe the governance, operations, and capabilities of the Gemini telescopes. I'll also describe Gemini's vision and plans for the future. Gemini is very adaptable and has multiple ways to apply for time, multiple ways to collect your data, and multiple instrument capabilities ready for your observations. Gemini also runs a wide-reaching program to develop and improve our instrumentation capabilities. We run an upgrade program for our existing instruments that includes an annual public call for proposals, a visitor instrument program that brings instruments like IGRINS to our telescopes for short to semi-permanent runs, and a facility program that provides entirely new instruments like GHOST and SCORPIO to Gemini for full public use. Through these programs, you can interact with Gemini in a number of ways to support your scientific needs in the most efficient way possible.
