Fiber blending Ratio Effect on Tensile Properties of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Cement-based Composites under High Strain Rate

고변형속도 조건에서 섬유 혼합비가 하이브리드 섬유보강 시멘트복합체의 인장특성에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2017.11.16


In this study, the tensile properties of mono and hybrid fiber reinforced cement-based composite according to fiber blending ratio under the high strain rate was evaluated. Experimental results, the HSF1.5PVA0.5 shown the highest tensile strength because the PVA fiber suppressed the micro cracks in the matrix around the hooked steel fiber and improved the pull-out resistance of hooked steel fiber. Thus, DIF of strain capacity and fracture toughness of HSF1.5PVA were greatly improved. Also, the fracture toughness was greatly improved because the tensile stress was slowly decreased after the peak stress by improvement of the pull-out resistance of hooked steel fiber at strain rate 101/s.
