Chloride Ion Diffusion Coefficient and Compressive Strength of the Concrete Produced by Ready Mixed Concrete Company in Busan

부산지역 레미콘사의 콘크리트의 압축강도와 염소이온 확산계수

  • 박동천 (한국해양대학교 해양공간건축공학과) ;
  • 방중석 (대림산업 건축연구지원팀) ;
  • 김용로 (대림산업 건축연구지원팀) ;
  • 이태규 (대림산업 건축연구지원팀)
  • Published : 2017.11.16


The properties of concrete produced by ready mixed concrete company in Busan were tested. Because the concrete was mixed with blast furnace slag and fly ash, the compressive strength and chloride ion diffusion coefficient were lower than OPC concrete even though the specified concrete strength was same. If the durability about salt attack were satisfied, the concrete of lower specified concrete strength would be adopted to concrete mixing design.
