Report on the Current Status of EAO/JCMT

  • 발행 : 2017.10.10


The JCMT is now in its third year of operations under EAO management. During this past year, we continued with calls for regular PI programs as well as the second call for Large Programs. The performance of SCUBA-2 has been improved by replacing internal optical filters. The 230GHz Receiver A is in the process of being replaced by a new closed-cycle system. The SCUBA-2 polarimeter, POL-2, commissioned during the past year, has been working very well in measuring the magnetic field structures in molecular clouds. The JCMT successfully participated in the Event Horizon Telescope experiment during April 2017, which utilized the phased-up ALMA for the first time. The first round of Large Programs are nearing completion, with first publications beginning to be published. The JCMT continues to welcome inputs from the community, and the next users meeting will be held in Seoul in January 2018.
