Applications of Open-source NoSQL Database Systems for Astronomical Spatial and Temporal Data

  • Shin, Min-Su (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
  • 발행 : 2017.10.10


We present our experiences with open-source NoSQL database systems in analyzing spatial and temporal astronomical data. We conduct experiments of using Redis in-memory NoSQL database system by modifying and exploiting its support of geohash for astronmical spatial data. Our experiment focuses on performance, cost, difficulty, and scalability of the database system. We also test OpenTSDB as a possible NoSQL database system to process astronomical time-series data. Our experiments include ingesting, indexing, and querying millions or billions of astronomical time-series measurements. We choose our KMTNet data and the public VVV (VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea) catalogs as test data. We discuss issues in using these NoSQL database systems in astronomy.
