From SMA to w-SMA

  • 발행 : 2017.10.10


The Submillimeter Array (SMA) has provided forefront capabilities for high spatial and spectral resolution observations at submillimeter wavelengths from its excellent site on Mauna Kea, Hawaii since 2004. The SMA has continuously enhanced its capability. It is now equipped with two receivers in the 1.3 mm band (Rx230/Rx240) and two in the 0.85 mm band (Rx345/Rx400). The total bandwidth available is 8+8 GHz (per receiver) in the dual band or polarization mode. To maintain a leading role in the ALMA era, the SMA project is now upgrading its receivers, IF signal transport and correlator system. The new wideband SMA - the wSMA - will provide the instantaneous coverage of 56 GHz. In this presentation, I will introduce the latest status of the SMA, upgrade plan to the w-SMA, the possible science cases with the w-SMA, and the roles of the w-SMA in the ALMA era.
