Design of Multi-winding Inductor for Minimum Inductor Current Ripple Using Optimized Coupling Factor

  • Kang, Taewon (Dept. of Electrical Engineering,Smart Grid Research Center, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Suh, Yongsug (Dept. of Electrical Engineering,Smart Grid Research Center, Chonbuk National University)
  • Published : 2016.07.05


This paper investigates the design of multi-winding coupled inductor for minimum inductor current ripple. Based on the general circuit model of coupled inductor together with the operating principles of dc-dc converter, the relationship between the ripple size of inductor current and the coupling factor is derived under the different duty ratio. The optimal coupling factor of n-phase multi-winding coupled inductor which corresponds to a minimum inductor ripple current becomes -(1/n-1), i.e. a complete inverse coupling without leakage inductance, as the duty ratio of steady-state operating point approaches 1/n, 2/n, ${\cdots}$ or (n-1)/n. In an opposite manner, the optimal coupling factor value of zero, i.e. zero mutual inductance, is required when the duty ratio of steady-state operating point approaches either zero or one. Therefore, coupled inductors having optimal coupling factor can minimize the ripple current of inductor and inductor size.
