Suggestion of an Automatic BIM-based Repair & Replacement (R&R) Cost Estimating Process

BIM기반 건축물 수선교체비 산정 자동화방안 제시

  • Published : 2016.05.19


In order to assess the design value of engineering work from the point of view of LCC (Life Cycle Cost) in Korea, it is mandatory for all construction works that the total construction costs are over 10 billion won. The LCC includes initial construction costs, maintenance & operation costs, energy costs, end-of-life costs, and so on. Among these, the portion for maintenance & operation costs for a building is sizeable, as compared to the initial construction costs. Furthermore, the paradigm for construction industry has rapidly shifted from 2D to BIM, which includes design planning and data management. However, the study of BIM-based LCC analysis is not adequate today, even though all domestic construction projects ordered by the Public Procurement Service have to adopt BIM. Therefore, this study suggests a methodology of BIM-based LCC analysis that is particularly focused on repair and replacement (R&R) cost. For this purpose, we defined requirements of calculating R&R cost and extracted X from the relevant IFC data. Thereafter, we input them to the ontology of calculating the initial construction costs to obtain an objective output. Finally, in order to automatically calculate R&R cost, mapping with R&R criteria was performed. We expect that our methodology will contribute to more efficiently calculate R&R cost and, furthermore, that this methodology will be applicable to all range of total LCC. Thus, the proposed process of automatic BIM-based LCC analysis will contribute to making LCC analysis more fast and accurate than it is at present.
